The Magnetic Dent Removal System (MDRS) was developed by Eric Satterlee & Wayne Tanabe. It uses the most powerful rare earth magnets currently available – the N52. These magnets are cased in a patented handle assemble with armor plate tech-metal end disks. These disks are impervious to damage from normal use and have a superior lubricity characteristic, requiring only a mylar disk and spray wax between the work surface and the instrument.
Think a moment about the tubas, baritones, euphoniums, sousaphones, marching baritones, and baritone saxophones you’ve returned without estimating dent removal from the back of the boot and the first branch due to the prohibitive time and labor of pulling the boot. MDRS enables you to offer repair estimates for a winder range of dent removal situations, creating a totally new source of income for your shop.
We weren’t the first to come up with the idea of using magnets to remove dents. Ferree’s Tools experimented with many different types of magnets, and this too was developed to draw steel balls up from inside, lifting the dents.

Eric Satterlee
Founder (1984) and technical director of Meridian Winds in Okemos, MI. A member of The national Association of Professional Band Instrument Repair Technicians (NAPBIRT), Eric has always been an advocate for the sharing of all aspect of band instrument repair knowledge. Eric has presented numerous clinics related to all band instrument repair related topics for the Michigan School Band & Orchestra Association (MSBOA), NAPBIRT, for colleges and universities throughout the country, and as a representative for Ferree's Tools Inc. Realizing the increased technical possibilities magnetic dent removal will offer to technicians everywhere, Eric has not been hesitant to invest his time into research and development on the potential of the system. Meridian Winds, which has long been known for specialized work in the repair and restoration of woodwind, brass, and percussion instruments, offers repair services by appointment or mail-order from musicians or dealers.

Wayne Tanabe
Wayne Tanabe has been associated with musical instrument repair for the past 30 years, and founded The Brass Bow in Arlington Heights, Illinois in 1983. The Brass Bow has long been known as a resource for quality repair and restoration, and is utilized with confidence by many brass players worldwide. Wayne is widely recognized for his pioneering work in the fields of musical instrument cryogenics, ultrasonic cleaning computer assisted analysis of brass instruments, MDRS, as well as being essential in the development and design of the Chicago Brass Works lines of custom built trumpets. Wayne has always been willing to share his diverse knowledge in the field of band instrument repair and has served as a clinician and representative for manufactures and suppliers throughout the US and Europe. Wayne is a member of NAPBIRT, and his given numerous clinics at national and regional conference. In 2005, Wayne accept his current position as the Senior Technical manager and brass technician for Yamaha Artist Services at the New York Atelier.

Ross Brower
MDRS Specialist in charge of day-to-day MDRS operations at Meridian Winds. You can contact him with questions at